Ecoinversión Forestal

The Future of the Environment

Special features

Ability to increase industrial reforestation and decrease environmental damage.

Comprehensive and inclusive vision. Ability to visualize global problems from their origins, to tackle real solutions that link the international community in an active and participatory way.

Integration: the ability to bring together various sectors of the economy, communities, institutions, professionals, and entrepreneurs to strengthen common objectives.

Features and benefits

Environmental factors Features and Benefits

Oxygen production.

Release of 15 tons of oxygen per hectare per year through the forest during photosynthesis and respiration,


CO2 capture.

 Annual capture of 20 tons of CO2 per hectare, converting them into plant biomass

Recovery of Soil

Recovery of Soil degraded by extensive livestock farming, strengthening the levels of topsoil, for future food security.

Reduction of pollution levels.

Reduction of pollution levels. Improving atmospheric conditions to mitigate global warming

Socio-cultural factors Features and benefits

Education. In topics related to the environment and programs such as forest, environmental, agricultural, biology, anthropology, tourism, and sports engineering.

Employment generation.

Creation of direct and indirect jobs and reactivation of agriculture

Social inclusion.

Joining civil society for the development of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life.

Legacy and cultural heritage

Protection of indigenous, native, and settler communities and their expressions and traditions as cultural heritage.

Economic factors Features and benefits

Industrial Transformation:

Large-scale reforestation makes it possible to develop industrial plants for wood processing, generate employment, and reduce production costs.

Sports and cultural tourism:

The natural settings for sports, recreation, and cultural traditions of the native communities will show the world the value of these ecosystems.