Ecoinversión Forestal
The Future of the Environment
First Forest Barrier
To contribute to the conservation of the forest masses of the planet, the concept of “Forest Barriers” has been created as a protection mechanism for the peripheral areas of large ecosystems, to control human malpractices and redirect them to environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically profitable alternatives.
For the implementation of this important challenge, the pilot program called “Let’s save the Amazon” has been developed as the first Forest Barrier which will be established in Cumaribo county, department of Vichada, Colombia, where the agricultural border joins the Amazon jungle in the Orinoquía region.
The periphery of the Amazon
The most vulnerable sector of the jungle!
In the Vichada department, Colombia, on the periphery that borders the prairie, one hectare of the Amazon jungle with all its biodiversity, does not generate any income for the communities that inhabit it, and is practically worthless, while this same hectare Turned into a meadow, it can reach a value of up to USD 400, which, despite being a laughable cost, becomes a motor for the destruction of the jungle ecosystem.
Why the pilot project should be in Cumaribo county?
The Forest Barriers program should be a model to be replicable in the future throughout the Amazon rainforest periphery; however, the specific characteristics of the Cumaribo county, Vichada state in Colombia, allows the comprehensive development of a pilot program that incorporates environmental, social, and economic dimensions.
Among them are:
- Extension: 65,674 Km2
- Low population density
- 32 indigenous reservations in the interior of the Cumaribo jungle
- 500 km from the periphery of the Amazon rainforest in a straight line
- The use of the land that borders the jungle is, extensive cattle ranching
- Precarious socioeconomic, road, and educational conditions
This region is projected to be the most important expansion for agriculture in Colombia, through the Pacific-Orinoquía highway project of 1,490-kilometer, which will allow access to an agricultural pantry of more than four million hectares;
with this road infrastructure work, the benefits and opportunities that are generated from the socio-economic point of view are innumerable, however, they also represent a great threat from the environmental point of view in the massive deforestation of this jungle front.
Translated and modified based on…
"Protection and Conservation System of the Amazon Periphery"
Scope of the program
The model created as “Protection and Conservation System of the Amazon Periphery” for the first forest barrier, consists of a vital zone and a containment zone.
Vital Zone, consisting of a strip of jungle 500 km long, 50 km wide, on the edge of the periphery of the Amazon, which includes indigenous reserves, native forests, hydrographic network, flora and fauna, which will be used only and exclusively for the conservation and containment of agricultural expansion.
Containment Zone, parallel to the vital zone corresponding on a strip of 500 km long, 50 km wide of meadows degraded by livestock, to be recovered with industrial reforestation and cultivation areas. This region will have special privileges in terms of tax and import tariffs, intended to encourage and develop industrial reforestation activities in the short, medium, and long term, and a special legal framework for roots, indigenous, and settlers.
Impact analysis
Traditional forest plantations do not offer liquidity possibilities in the short term, and therefore their financing and development are not very viable for the farmers. The practice of growing fast-growing trees within the framework of a “Forest Barrier” offers alternatives with high socioeconomic benefits, in periods equal or similar to livestock, and its financing with
guarantees the liquidity of the farmer at all times, as well as the improvement in the quality of life, health, and education for the community.
As an example: One hectare of grassland supports two cattle in 10 years, generating a maximum income of 2,000 USD in the market.
In 10 years, one hectare reforested in fast-growing trees produces 500 m3 of wood at a gross commercial value of $ 100m3, or $ 50,000 hectare.
As a result of massive industrial reforestation, in vast areas of grassland now used for livestock farming, it will be possible to cover a large part of the demand for wood that the forest chain market requires, taking pressure off existing native forests.
To assess the impact within the framework of the Forest Barriers an initial and georeferenced inventory of the current conditions of the degraded lands and those impacted by deforestation will be carried out, an economic valuation will be projected for the recovery of the physical and chemical conditions of the lands in periods of 10-15-20 and 30 years, taking into account the following criteria:
(Internal Economic and Social Rate of Return) for each period.
Valorization for land recovery, with a projection for food supply
Valorization of the entire region by development of the tourist, cultural, educational, and sports industry, Wood production, CO2 capture,
Productive capacity (fertility)
Additionally, the benefit for the protection of the Amazon ecosystem and biodiversity will be quantified.
Benefits of reforestation in the framework of a “Forest Barrier”
Ecoinv becomes the axis on which the “Forest Barrier” is financed for the protection of the Amazon and the integral development of the forest chain, generating value among the different interest groups, thus:
Protection of indigenous communities and settlers through the Raizales Law, which guarantees their rights and benefits within the forest barrier.
The communities that inhabit the vital zone within the framework of the “Forest Barrier” will receive the incentives and benefits available to protect forests, like the program Forest ranger families, carbon credits, and will be in charge of repopulating deforested areas within that zone with native species.
These programs will be financed with the environmental cryptocurrency
International aid for the conservation of the environment may also be channeled through the “Ecoinv” to guarantee the transparent and real execution of the programs.
High profitability in cultivation, technical advice, and permanent cash flow in “Ecoinv” for farmers, based on the growth of their plantations.
Farmers can produce high-quality lumber in the quantities, dimensions and times required by the market, with traceability from cultivation (green seal), apart from the environmental benefits of Co2 capture, soil recovery and protection of natural ecosystems, among others; thus, the transversal use of the environmental cryptocurrency Ecoinv is consolidated in all processes.
Georeferencing will be a great ally to carry out permanent monitoring of recovery in the Vital Zone and the Containment Zone within the framework of the Forest Barrier.
Conversation with organizations for the protection and conservation of the environment and with entities that ensure the care and well-being of vulnerable communities.
For the development of industrial reforestation programs, strategic alliances will be established with organisms for the protection and conservation of the environment, as well as entities that promote the care and well-being of the vulnerable population, such as indigenous, native and settler communities, but also the general population.
this way, non-governmental organizations will have direct participation by being watchdogs for the implementation of programs, as well as being guarantors for the management carried out by “Ecoinversión Forestal” for the preservation of the environment, the care of natural resources and the life improvement of the communities.