Ecoinversión Forestal

The Future of the Environment



The periphery of the Amazon region lacks a defensive system for care and preservation that protects it from illegal deforestation and provides comprehensive solutions to local communities. Therefore, it is imperative to develop mechanisms that guarantee its protection through the development of restoration models that are economically viable, socially responsible, and environmentally friendly. Additionally, these models should be replicable in different forested areas worldwide.

Over two decades, from 2000 to 2019, the five main biomes of South America lost 55 million hectares of forest, which has been mainly replaced by larger areas allocated for agriculture and pastures for livestock, as revealed by the report from MapBiomas —an initiative of the Amazon Socio-Environmental Geo-Referenced Information Network (RAISG).


The Amazon Forest Barrier is a protection and restoration mechanism for the periphery of the Amazon jungle, which will safeguard a stretch of 300 kilometers of gallery forests in Cumaribo, Vichada department, Colombia. These forests have been deforested along the agricultural and livestock frontier in the Vichada department, Colombia, and are currently indigenous reserve territories. The project focuses on two fundamental areas: a) Vital Zone (interior of the jungle) and, b) Containment Zone (deforested area at the jungle’s periphery).

The Amazon Forest Barrier is based on the development of four fundamental pillars:

  1) CO2 capture and biodiversity recovery through the restoration of deforested areas

2) Promotion of sustainable tourism

 3) Economic diversification

 4) Capacity strengthening

 CO2 capture and environmental conservation:

Implementing restoration and recovery projects of native ecosystems where local communities abandon forest cutting and burning practices to build Conucos (Family Agricultural Units) and engage in restoration work. This will create employment, increase CO2 capture, and promote biodiversity conservation.

 Establishing a system for measuring and certifying the carbon reductions and biodiversity recovery achieved by these communities, enabling them to access carbon and biodiversity credits, as well as other environmental incentives.

 Promoting sustainable agriculture practices by improving the conditions of the savanna to transition Conucos into permanent Family Agricultural Units, integrating agricultural production with environmental conservation.


Promotion of sustainable tourism:

Promoting ecological, scientific, and cultural tourism in protected areas and native forests of indigenous and local communities. This will generate additional income for communities and diversify their sources of revenue.

 Establishing environmental education programs for tourists focused on the importance of ecosystem conservation and respect for local culture.


Economic diversification:

Implementing life plans and harmonization plans established by the local community and funded with CO2 and biodiversity credits, providing technical and financial support for the development of sustainable agricultural projects, crafts, aquaculture, and other activities that can generate stable and sustainable economic income.


Capacity strengthening:

Training local communities in environmental conservation, sustainable practices, and entrepreneurship.

 Facilitating access to information about royalty programs, environmental incentives, and available.


To implement this comprehensive solution, we have been working closely with local governments, non-governmental organizations, the international scientific community, the private sector, and the indigenous and local communities themselves.

To advance restoration and reforestation projects, as well as social, environmental, and productive projects, we have designed a strategy based on technological platforms where any company or individual can invest and participate in these projects and receive benefits represented by carbon credits and/or their economic equivalent.