Ecoinversión Forestal
The Future of the Environment
About us
Is a company that seeks to generate a comprehensive market around the environment, concentrating its efforts on harmonizing the relationship between economy, social development, and environmental sustainability, by structuring a protection and conservation system at the periphery of the Amazon called “Forest Barriers”
We are the promoters of a
Natural Reserve.
During the last 30 years, we have stopped the practice of cattle ranching to allow the growth and development of a 72-hectare natural reserve.
Ecological trails, trails for hiking, horseback riding, forests, streams, birds, and spectacular sites to see the Valle del Cauca’s landscape are some of the attractions of our reserve
Historical review
In 1990, in the township of Quebrada Nueva, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, two properties named as La Floresta and Cristales were acquired, with an extension of 24 and 48 hectares respectively, up to that moment, this land that was destined for livestock, an activity that has been converting the region into a desert.
This acquisition was carried out to suspend all livestock activities and initiate a process of recovery of native soils, flora, and fauna in these properties, thus counteracting the erosion and accelerated degradation caused up to that moment
In 1995 the company Valencia Hermanos y Cía was created. A fifth of the property was reserved to create the commercial establishment called the Leña Verde Ecotourism Complex, whose central axis was the development of an economically profitable, socially responsible, and environmentally friendly activity, with a positive impact on the development of tourism in the region, generation of employment and environmental recovery of the land.
During the last 30 years, it was possible to recover land that was in a high degree of deterioration, where nowadays there is an ecosystem characterized by its biodiversity, the expansion of the forest masses, the restoration of the vegetal layer, and the rescue of the flora and fauna, among other benefits that evidence this process
In 2015, the Forest Eco investment project was created to generate a comprehensive market around the environment, concentrating its efforts on harmonizing the relationship between economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.
Since the beginning of the year 2020, efforts have been made to implement a research center, CETEC, focused on the Scientific, Educational, Tourist, Ecological and Cultural development of the region. Initially, it will be intended to carry out studies for the restoration of flora and fauna, as well as the recovery of the physical-chemical and fertility conditions of these grounds, to make a comparison with the surrounding lands that have continued to exercise the livestock activity, this kind of investigation will allow us to quantify the economic recovery of this land and help us generate alternatives to avoid the environmental collapse of the region.